FREE BONUSES - April & May only
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, I wanted to add a package of training and support to help everyone at home get through this difficult time.

For a limited time, enrol in Spanish Uncovered and you'll these bonuses free:

• 8-weeks of live coaching with Olly Richards ($497)
• A recording package of the live coaching sessions ($197) 
• Unlimited live Q&A (priceless)
​• Access to our Friendship & Accountability Facebook group (priceless)
• OIly's ​Productivity Secrets workshop ($47)

Bonuses are only available in April and May to new Uncovered students.

Join us now and use this time to give yourself the gift of a new language!
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Learn Spanish Through the Power of Story
An exciting new programme to learn Spanish the right way, fuelled by your imagination!
The course is currently closed.

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What Will Life Be Like When You Speak Fluent Spanish?
With this new programme, I offer you the opportunity to make the most out of life by learning Spanish the right way, even if you’ve tried and failed in the past. 
  • Do you live in a Spanish-speaking country, and want to create independence in your life?
  • Are you constantly dreaming about getting on a plane and travelling around Latin America or Spain?
  • Are you planning to retire abroad, and worry about how you’ll get on without Spanish?
  • Have you fallen in love with a Spanish speaker, or have relatives, students, patients, customers, or friends who speak Spanish?
I’ll tell you what it was for me...

I simply fell in love with the Spanish language, and everything about it... pure and simple! 

It made me feel like “home”, for some reason I can’t quite explain… perhaps you know what I mean?
I Went Through Many Struggles To Learn Spanish
I knew I wanted to learn Spanish, and I was very determined, but at the time I had no idea what it really took to learn a new language! 

After all, we were never taught HOW to learn a language at school, right? 

So, being inexperienced at language learning, I suffered all the classic problems…

  • I dove enthusiastically into studying my Spanish textbooks, without really having a plan
  • I would jump from one course to the next, wondering if I was doing the right thing or not
  • Being in multicultural London, I did have the opportunity to speak Spanish, but conversations with Spanish people ended up terrifying me, as they would speak so fast and I would panic when I missed a word
  • Eventually I became really self-conscious about my own speaking, because it was never as easy to put sentences together when I was face-to-face with someone, as it was when I was at home, on my own, with my textbook
  • That, combined with an almighty struggle with grammar and verb conjugations, ended up leaving me pretty demotivated all round with my Spanish
But over the years, and after learning eight languages, I began to notice what I was doing that made my language study so effective. 

I also noticed what other people were doing wrong.

Eventually, I figured out...
The Keys To Learning Spanish Quickly
  • Firstly, there’s no getting away from the hard work - you have to work a little bit every day at your Spanish to succeed. 
  • But that’s not enough by itself
  • Secondly, you need to spend a lot of your study time listening to Spanish. If you don’t, how do you expect to ever be able to follow along in a conversation? 
  • Thirdly, you need to take the new Spanish words, phrases and grammar that you learn during your study, and deliberately practise them in speaking with a partner. If you don’t, how will you ever become confident at speaking Spanish?
  • Lastly, you need to have quality Spanish study material that’s both interesting and effective, so you’re motivated enough to keep coming back every day. If you don’t, how will you ever keep it up for long enough to get any results?
In a nutshell, here's how I learn languages quickly:

• I listen a lot… and I do it every day
• I deliberately practise what I learn with speaking partners
• I find the best possible material to study with

Now, how about you? 

In your experience learning Spanish, or other language, have you been spending your time in this way? 

Or have you been rather less disciplined? Jumping from one thing to the next without any real depth or focus?

For most people…it’s the latter.

And so, it’s really no surprise that it’s still a struggle for you to understand what Spanish speakers say. Or that you lack the confidence to speak Spanish openly, without freezing up.

That's why I'm so proud to introduce to you this exciting new programme...
A comprehensive Spanish course I’ve created that takes you from your very first steps in Spanish, all the way through to intermediate level, so it’s right for you whether you’re still thinking about getting started, or whether you have a bit of Spanish under your belt already. 

  • "I'm a complete beginner in Spanish!" - If you've never studied Spanish before, look no further! This course is your ideal introduction to the language, and the best way to learn Spanish quickly.
  • "I've tried to learn Spanish before, but never got anywhere!" - If your previous attempts to learn Spanish haven't amounted to much, you'll make up for it with this course! You'll get a thorough grounding in the basics, while quickly building the listening and speaking skills you need to take part in real Spanish conversations. 
This is no ordinary Spanish course...

I’ve designed it from the ground up to teach you Spanish the best way I know how: Immersed in a rich world of language, and fuelled by the power of story...

Spanish Uncovered
You see, in Spanish Uncovered, you learn through story. 

It's a story I've created specifically to teach you Spanish, and it's called "El Hombre Del Sombrero".
El Hombre del Sombrero translates as "The Man In The Hat" (although it sounds much better in Spanish!)

That's him, by the way, in the corner...

How does the course work, if it's based on story? I'm glad you asked!

You see, the story of El Hombre Del Sombrero is told over 20 chapters. 

The course is structured so that each teaching module is based on one chapter of the story. 

This is no ordinary Spanish course, because the course syllabus emerges from the story.

Let me explain...

Most Spanish courses are structured by taking a bunch of grammar rules, putting them together in a certain order, then teaching them to you one-by-one in a series of lessons. 

This is dull, and ineffective. 

In Spanish Uncovered, we do things differently. 

In this course, your main focus is this: To read and enjoy the plot of the story!

That's right - you concentrate on reading and understanding the story. The "formal study" happens another way! 

You learn through a process known as "Guided Discovery".

What's guided discovery? 

Well, rather than teaching you a particular grammar rule in an abstract way, I first make sure you first see the grammar rule being used in the story itself - in context - so you get to learn how it works in a natural way.

This means the course syllabus emerges from the story. (Doesn't that sound more exciting than your last textbook?)

You discover the rules by yourself (with help from me of course), which makes learning much more effective. 

This means you get to enjoy learning Spanish first and foremost, rather than get bogged down in technicalities from the start.

(Yes... it's fun!)

At every stage of the course, you’ll be immersed in real Spanish - both the written story and the audiobook.

This means that by the time you finish the course, not only will you have read an entire book in Spanish, but you’ll have a large vocabulary, so you can express yourself fully in conversation.

You will also have had many hours of listening practice, so that following spoken Spanish will be effortless
A Life-Changing Course & Unique Learning Experience...
A view inside the beautiful, interactive course area
I've developed this beginner programme to deliver unbeatable results in your Spanish, while providing a learning experience like no other.
  • Learn The Fundamentals Of Spanish: You’ll be able to speak real Spanish, not just parrot a few phrases. If you’re a complete beginner, you can be confident you’re learning the right things from the start. And if you’ve tried to learn Spanish before, without success, you can be confident that you won’t miss anything important this time, or worry that you’re learning with the wrong method.
  • 100 Hours Of Study Time: A complete, comprehensive study course, so you can devote yourself to learning, confident you have everything you need, and don’t need to constantly worry you’re learning in the wrong way. 
  • Self-Study & Online Learning: The most flexible way to learn anything, so you can base your learning around your lifestyle, rather than working to the schedule of a rigid language school. By being able to work on your Spanish in your lunch break, on your commute, in a cafe, or at home, you have the flexibility to learn at your speed, making it much easier to be successful.
  • Reach An Intermediate Level In Spanish: By the time you finish the course, you’ll have reached an intermediate level (B1 on the CEFR), and be a confident Spanish speaker, able to hold your own in a conversation and make the most out of life.
  •  Learn Spanish From Olly: This course has been designed by someone who has spent their life learning and teaching languages! With expert guidance and advice from me, you’ll be able to approach learning Spanish like an expert, make the most out of your study time and avoid the pitfalls that frustrate you along the way. You’ll finish the course a better, independent language learner, able to add any new language to your skill set in the future.
  • Learn With Story: By learning with a story-first approach, you'll have a learning experience that's motivating, inspiring, and different to anything you’ve done before. You’ll have a lot of exposure to the Spanish language through the story, so you'll develop into a confident, articulate speaker of Spanish, not just a parrot from a phrasebook without a foundation! 
  • Learn About Spanish Culture: The story follows three friends as they discover an old book dusty book in a library. They set off on a journey around SpainSpanish to discover the clues contained within the book. By following them around Spain, you'll get to learn about Spanish culture as you go, making the learning experience fun, fulfilling, and meaningful. 
  • Learn Natural Spanish: I’ve carefully crafted the story using Spanish that is both natural, but also perfectly pitched to a beginner level. You’ll find it incredibly fulfilling to be able to follow a story in Spanish, even as a beginner. But you'll also find the story packed full of dialogue that contains real Spanish used on the street, so you learn to speak natural Spanish.
  • Combined Audio & Text: This is one of the most important features of the course, as the major failing of most other courses is that they don’t ask you to spend much of your time listening to Spanish. In this programme, you’ll be asked to spend a lot of time reading and listening to the story. With combined text and audio, you'll develop strong listening skills. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to understand spoken Spanish far more easily, without getting lost in conversations.
  • Professional Quality Audio: All the material is the professional quality you’ve come to expect from me, and the crystal clear, professionally recorded audio is no exception, as you’ll have a great listening experience, and be able to train your ear to every sound of the Spanish language.  
  • Full English Translations: Part of the learning process is making sure you have help when you need it, and that’s why you also have complete English translations of the entire story, so you’re never in a position of not understanding, or feeling that you’re getting left behind. You’ll be able to understand everything that happens, enjoy the story to the full, and be more motivated to understand Spanish as a result. 
  • Visible Progress: The one-chapter, one-module approach means you'll find the course easy to follow, and have a clear sense of achievement and rhythm to your learning. This kind of visible progression with leave you excited to study hard and stick with the programme. 
  • "Virtual Classroom" Lectures: The main teaching happens in a series of video lectures, where you’ll feel like you’re in the classroom with me, which makes learning fun and vibrant. In three video lessons per unit, I walk you through the story and explain the most important vocabulary and grammar step-by-step. The video lesson are between 10-20 minutes each, and very focused on one aspect of Spanish, so it’s the perfect length to study any time, however busy you are.
Virtual Classroom Preview...
The teaching in the course happens in a virtual classroom, that makes you feel like you’re literally sitting in a classroom with me. Go ahead and click the images below for a video preview...
1. Learn Words "Free" :
(because you already know them in English!)
(Video quality may be lower than usual if buffering)
2. Learn Vocabulary:
3. Learn Grammar:
The course also includes comprehensive worksheets, video pronunciation lessons, and much more, that will give you a learning experience so comprehensive and stimulating that it will be unlike anything you have experienced before:
  • Learn Vocabulary "Free": In each chapter of the story, you begin by looking for "cognates" - these are words that exist in English... e.g. región (region) or nativo (native). This is the biggest shortcut in Spanish, as they’re basically words you get free!
  • Develop Your Vocabulary: After learning the "cognates", you'll learn other important words from the story, so you focus on growing your vocabulary early on. Not only can you understand more from the story itself, which makes it more satisfying, but you can also start speaking and understanding Spanish from the get—go. 
  • ...Beyond The Story! Building your vocabulary is so important, though, that I teach you a lot of words that expand beyond the story, so you can learn to be as articulate as possible when you speak. 
  • Learn Accurate Grammar: By teaching you grammar as it arises in the story, I help remove the stress from learning new rules. You’ll get used to new grammar naturally by seeing it in context - in the story. Over time, verb conjugations will simply become second-nature, and you’ll be able to speak Spanish with confident grammar, and lose the fear of making mistakes.
  • Perfect Your Pronunciation: Getting your Spanish pronunciation accurate from the beginning - it's easier than fixing mistakes later! In each module you’ll get a high-quality video pronunciation lesson from native Spanish speaker and phonetics expert Angela, who will show you how to pronounce the fundamental sounds of Spanish accurately, whatever variety of Spanish you’re learning, so you feel confident about your accent whenever you open your mouth to speak!
  •  Speak Fluent Spanish: Learning to express yourself fully in Spanish, without freezing up, forgetting words, or taking ages to form a sentence, is a central aim of this course. That’s why, beyond all the other learning that takes place, at the end of every unit is a set of speaking tasks that help you internalise everything you’ve learnt. You’ll take the words, phrases and grammar you’ve learnt in the chapter and make them your own, by following exercises that have been carefully designed to help you practice and rehearse your new Spanish. 
  • Culture Notes: Learn Spanish that serves you in life, so you become an educated, informed speaker of the language, able to integrate better with local people
  •  Extensive Written Exercises: Video is fun, as is reading and listening to stories, but traditional, familiar written exercises help you to practise and consolidate everything you learn. The extensive workbooks that accompany the course allow you to deepen your learning, test yourself… all in your own time. 
  • ...With Great Variety! I know people learn differently, and it’s important to have variety, which is we have included a huge variety of practice material (homework, if you want to call it that!) that will keep you entertained and involved in your learning, so you involve different parts of your brain and learn faster. 
  • Thorough Grammar Notes: All the grammar taught in the classes is accompanied by thorough explanations and reference material. This means you’ll never be confused, you can always refer to the rules when you need to, and you’ll learn to speak Spanish with accurate grammar.
Learn to fully express yourself in Spanish from the beginning...
Learning to express yourself fully in Spanish, without freezing up, forgetting words, or taking ages to form a sentence, is a central aim of this course. 

That’s why, beyond all the other learning that takes place, at the end of every unit is a set of speaking tasks that help you internalise everything you learn.

You’ll take the words, phrases and grammar you’ve learnt in the chapter and make them your own, by following exercises that have been carefully designed to help you practice and rehearse your new Spanish.

What's more, each pack also comes with a set of speaking activities for two people, with instructions written in Spanish, so you can literally hand the pack to a native Spanish-speaker friend, partner or tutor, and they'll instantly know how to help you practice what you’ve learnt from the module. 

With this extensive focus on speaking skills, you'll finish the course already able to speak great Spanish, in full, flowing sentences, without having to slow down to remember basic words. 
"Your Materials Are Astounding!"
What Students Are Saying About My Uncovered Courses...

"These courses are worth every penny!"

"The Spanish Uncovered course is exceeding all my expectations. You make the grammar section so clear and easy to assimilate.

Moving on effortlessly in the stories is pleasureable and quite exhilarating as I understand what I am hearing much more easily. 

These courses are worth every penny".

- David
All the SUPPORT you need to master Spanish...
This new Spanish beginner programme is a self-study course. But this doesn’t mean you’re on your own… 

Far from it!

As a student, you have extensive support to help you make the most of your learning...

  • Interactive Lesson Area With Comments: Within each lesson, there is an interactive discussion area. This means you can ask questions about anything you learn on the course and get a reply, imitating the classroom environment. You can also see what others are asking, and deepen your learning.
  • Downloadable Materials: Everything from the story text and audiobook, to the video lesson and workbook exercises are fully downloadable so you can learn wherever you are, on any device, with or without internet. 
  • Lifetime Updates: Any improvements or additions that are made to the course in the future, you get FREE. I’m actively seeking your feedback on the course and your learning, which means if you don’t like something, I’ll change it! If you need something extra, I’ll add it! Many people find that this kind of active involvement results in better learning all round!
  • Great Customer Support: I have a fantastic, dedicated customer support team around me who love helping you out, which means you can enrol with complete confidence, knowing that you can get help any time, and won’t be held back by any technical trouble.
I want to help you make the most out of life by succeeding in Spanish
Hopefully, you’ll be able to tell just how much thought and passion has gone into the creation of this course.

I bring this level of commitment to everything I create, and whether I’m:

• Delivering workshops
• Speaking at international conferences
• Consulting for the Open University, or
• Writing a new book… 

...what I most care about is helping you make the most out of life by succeeding in your language learning.
Come Join Me!
So, let’s talk about the investment involved in enrolling in Spanish Uncovered today. 

While preparing this information, I had a look at fees for enrolling in the Instituto Cervantes in London - a popular place to learn Spanish here in the UK. 

Their equivalent courses that take you from beginner to intermediate level in Spanish cost US $2,041 (GBP £1,560). 

Now, Cervantes is excellent, and I have no doubt their course is great. However, by working online, what I’m able to do is offer the programme that I’ve described to you here, which is not only far more flexible (because you can learn any time, and any place), at a fraction of the cost.  

That’s why I’m happy to offer enrolment in the course for an investment of only US $297 (GBP £224).
It’s a complete programme that will take you from your very first steps in Spanish all the way to an intermediate speaker of Spanish, able to travel the world, be confident in your ability to speak, fully express yourself, and making a difference to the people and communities around you.

To take the next step and enrol in the course, simply click the button below...
Spanish Uncovered "VIP"
(One-time payment in USD)
  • Spanish Uncovered - The Complete Course
  • Unlimited One-To-One Coaching
Spanish Uncovered
(One-time payment in USD)
  • Spanish Uncovered - The Complete Course
Join Spanish Uncovered!
Price Today: Only $297
To enrol in Spanish Uncovered, click the button below:
Special "VIP" Option: 
Unlimited Coaching
Would you like personal support to help ensure your success learning Spanish with Spanish Uncovered?

If you have struggled to stay focused with your Spanish in the past, worry about losing your motivation to study, or want professional support in refining your language learning techniques, then our exclusive "VIP" option may be for you! 

With unlimited coaching, you'll get unlimited one-to-one sessions with a certified coach, who helps make sure you study to your full potential throughout the course, and reach intermediate Spanish as quickly as possible. 

Benefits of coaching:

Focus on one path of study (and stick to it) so you stay focused without distraction for as long as you need to successfully learn Spanish

Expert insight into your personal “sticking points”, so you can conquer difficult language points quickly and sail through the process of learning Spanish, especially if you've tried in the past without success

Sky-high motivation to learn Spanish, as your coach helps ensure you're making real progress throughout the course and remain as excited as you feel at the very start!

Accountability with a real person, so you follow through on your study plans, learn to the best of your ability, and make yourself proud!

Coaching sessions take place over Skype and are truly unlimited. The package lasts until you reach your goal of intermediate Spanish.

What's speaking real Spanish worth to you?
If you’ve read this far, I know what you really care about is creating a life with Spanish at the centre. 

Perhaps you've been putting off getting started with Spanish, and have never found the right time.

Perhaps you've studied before, but wasted your time on inefficient study methods.

Either way, think about this:

If another year passes, and you still can't speak confident Spanish with the people you meet… is that acceptable to you?

I know it wouldn't be for me. Not any more.

Now ask yourself how different your day-to-day life will be when you can easily strike up a conversation in Spanish, understand what the other person says, and reply in full, flowing sentences...with a convincing accent to boot!

How much happier will you be when you have succeeded with Spanish, and eliminated the stress of constantly fighting a losing battle?

But more importantly, how will it feel when...
  • You can fully express yourself in Spanish, and interact with the community around you as an independent, confident Spanish speaker 
  •  You can make the most of your time abroad, able to speak at will with the people you meet
  •  You transform relationships with those around you, as you can communicate in their own language
  • ​New work opporunities begin to appear, as you can easily interact with customers and colleagues in natural Spanish
  • ​You can read your favourite authors in the original Spanish, and understand the true meaning of their words
I've created this programme so you can make this a reality in your life, and experience what it's like to find true joy in language learning.

I'd love to welcome you aboard! 

To your success,


Spanish Uncovered "VIP"
(One-time payment in USD)
  • Spanish Uncovered - The Complete Course
  • Unlimited One-To-One Coaching
Spanish Uncovered
(One-time payment in USD)
  • Spanish Uncovered - The Complete Course
Join Spanish Uncovered!
Price Today: Only $297
To enrol in Spanish Uncovered, click the button below:
What Other Students Are Saying...
"Truly Inspirational Learning Material"
"Olly's materials are astounding to me. In all my many years of frustrated foreign-language learning,
I never before had access to such comprehensive materials,
which in my book are truly inspirational!"

- Michael
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not a complete beginner. Is this course still relevant for me?
Yes, absolutely. Although you might be covering some familiar territory in the early lessons, many people find it helpful to go over the basics more than once. The main advantage of this course is that you will be listening and reading to the story that accompanies the course from the beginning, which you will be able to enjoy even more with your existing knowledge. The speaking lessons will also enable you to consolidate the Spanish you already know, which all contributes to building a strong foundation and making fast progress in the language.

What variety of Spanish do you teach in the course?
The course is based on Castilian Spanish. However, it's important to say that you can learn any variety of Spanish - from Spain or Latin America - with the course. You see, the biggest challenge in learning to speak Spanish well is learning the right way. Although there are, of course, differences between the Spanish from Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica or Spain, these differences are limited and easy to learn - 99% of all Spanish is the same wherever you are. 

With a strong foundation in the language, which this course provides, you will have the knowledge and flexibility to adapt to whichever particular variety of Spanish you wish. The most important thing is that you learn in the first place, and this beginner programme is the best possible place to do that. 
What's the duration of the course?
The course is structured over 20 modules. Each module is broken down into a number of sections, including video lessons, worksheets, speaking activities and more. The time it will take you to complete the course will depend on the time you have available, and the pace at which you like to study. If you decide to study one module per week, for example, which is a reasonable pace, it would take you approximately 5 months to complete the course. 
Can I study at my own pace?
Yes. The course is designed for you to study at your own pace, in a time and place that suits you. The materials never expire. What's more, you get free updates to the course as they are released in the future. The course material is fully downloadable, so if you don’t have a good internet connection, you can download what you need, and access it any time, any place. 
I'm a little worried about learning Castilian Spanish. 
The most important thing about learning Spanish is to develop a strong foundation, which means understanding the grammar, building your vocabulary, and learning to understand spoken Spanish. When you begin to speak with people, you will gradually adopt the accent, pronunciation, mannerisms and local slang of the people you spend most time with - whether that be in Mexico, Argentina, Spain or elsewhere. However, this is a gradual process, which is why in the early stages of learning Spanish it’s so important to take the time to learn the basics, so that you can go on to master any variety of Spanish you choose. I’ve developed this course to give you the best possible foundation in the language! 
Why is the course in US Dollars?
I have students from many countries around the world, and the US Dollar is the most widely-accepted currency. But don't worry! You can purchase the course with any debit or credit card, no matter where you live, and your bank will automatically convert the USD to your local currency at the market rate. 
What's the difference between Spanish Uncovered and the Fluent Spanish Academy?
The Fluent Spanish Academy is my programme for people who are stuck at an intermediate level in Spanish. What you're seeing on this page is the beginner programme, which is suitable for those who are complete beginners in Spanish, just getting started, or wanting to revisit the basics. After completing this beginner course, you'll be ready for the Fluent Spanish Academy!
How is Spanish Uncovered different from the many other Spanish courses out there?
When I set out to design Spanish Uncovered, my main aim was to set it apart from every other Spanish course. The way I've done that is to base the entire course around a story, and, in fact, the course syllabus itself emerges from the story. 

Let me explain...

Most Spanish courses are structured by taking a bunch of grammar rules, putting them together in a certain order, then teaching them to you one-by-one in a series of lessons. This is dull, and ineffective. In this course, we do things differently. In this course, your main focus is this: To read and enjoy the plot of the story! That's right - you concentrate on reading and understanding the story. The "formal study" happens another way! 

You learn through a process known as "Guided Discovery". What's guided discovery?  Well, rather than teaching you a particular grammar rule in an abstract way, I first make sure you first see the grammar rule being used in the story itself - in context - so you get to learn how it works in a natural way. Doesn't that sound more exciting than your last textbook?

You discover the rules by yourself (with help from me of course), which makes learning much more effective. This means you get to enjoy learning Spanish first and foremost, rather than get bogged down in technicalities from the start. (Yes... it's fun!)

At every stage of the course, you’ll be immersed in real Spanish - both the written story and the audiobook. This means that by the time you finish the course, not only will you have read an entire book in Spanish, but you’ll have a large vocabulary, so you can express yourself fully in conversation. You will also have had many hours of listening practice, so that following spoken Spanish will be effortless.