Every Japanese course takes a different approach to teaching
kanji (Japanese characters).
So, how do we deal with kanji in Japanese Uncovered (Intermediate)?
In a nutshell...
The aim of Japanese Uncovered (Intermediate) is to help you master intermediate-level Japanese, so you understand natural Japanese and speak with confidence.
To do this, we focus on building your vocabulary and grammar... through the magic of the story!
(Our benchmark is the N3 level of the JLPT system.)
In Japanese Uncovered (Intermediate), we do not teach you kanji.
Instead, we focus on kanji in a separate extension course. (Coming soon)
The reason is simple...
Learning kanji is a big task! There's a LOT of kanji to learn at intermediate level. Trying to study everything at the same time is not a smart learning strategy.
It's too easy to get bogged down.
So, instead, we teach kanji separately, in our extension course. With this approach, you're not trying to figure out what a new word means AND remember it's kanji at the same time.
You simply take words you've already learned... and add the kanji on top!
So much easier!
Think of it as a two-step process:
• Step 1: Improve your overall Japanese level, with this course
• Step 2: When you're ready, focus on kanji in our extension course
This way, you'll learn faster, and enjoy the whole process more